The latest trends in the fitness industry include fake or forged before and after pictures, downright lies in their claims as well as many people pushing overpriced and under-qualitied supplements/products with a fire-y passion simply because they make large chunks of commission selling those supplements.
We are a no tolerance zone for that and emphasize that the major transformations people go through, are sustainable for the long term. No "NutriMost" lose 30 pounds in 30 days and gain 35 back over the following 30 days scams.
Our facility is only based off of doing what works the absolute best for the people we serve as per the knowledge and expertise that is currently available. And we are constantly learning and improving to do just that. A huge differentiator for us with virtually every other gym in Erie, is that if something happened in the fitness industry from an educational or innovation standpoint that overhauled everything we do here...
We would overhaul everything we do here. We do not do anything because "it is what we do" or "it is how we doing things here" or built off of a methodology. We only do what work the absolute best.